Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blah, blah, blah!

Since I haven't posted in a while, I figured I better do so. Not a lot of excitement going on right now around our house. Gary has two races left for the year; one is this weekend, but we will not be going to it.
We have successfully re-financed our house in the past month. And, are hoping to be able to build a garage for Gary. He needs someplace to go tinker with his toys. Especially since the grass has pretty much quit growing, so he doesn't have to mow every other day. And, we could use some extra storage. I don't think we will start the garage until next spring, but it is something to look forward to.
Right now our plans for Thanksgiving are a little up in the air. At this point in time, I believe we will be in Missouri on Thanksgiving, and heading to Illinois on Friday. We will be in Decatur Friday night to Saturday mid-afternoon. We will them be traveling to Litchfield, and Gary will be racing in the Toys for Tots race on Sunday.
And, Christmas, I have no idea. I haven't even began shopping for Christmas, I feel like I am REALLY behind since I am normally almost finished shopping by now. Oh well.....
Other than that, nothing new. The dogs are doing good, except Jasmin found some pumpkin seeds somewhere in our neighborhood and decided to eat them. And, she didn't digest them, they came up in the living room. But she seems fine now. Dewy and Piglet are still rotten, and enjoy annoying each other as much as possible.
I will try harder to keep up with this blog, sometimes I feel like I don't have time to breath let alone update this, but I promise I will try! Hope you are all doing well and hope to see everyone soon!
Oh, and Fran if you are reading this, I will have your glow box with me when we come up for Thanksgiving. Hopefully we will see you, if not I will leave it with Mom.